Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oyster time

I'm not sure exactly what alternate universe we stepped into on Bloor street last night- but one of our local's (K.G's) was serving the freshest of Oysters (brought in from RODNEYS), and Tankhouse ale (from the Milll St. Brewery).... FOR FREE.

We first met up with Fio and Ro, and were later greeted by C's pals from work, Mika (sp?) and Chuck.... We had a lovely time. Fio and Ro left early so they missed out on the beauty which is the oyster, but the four of us remaining --we got to fill our little belly's with them.

Ch and M cornered me while C was up for round two of those delicious bastards, and did the ol' "Since you and C meet, he;s changed, and it's great. You two seems so great together- blah blah blah"

You know how much that means to the ol' Zerbinator? Alot.

Oh, blissssssssss. :)

1 comment:

Raymi Lauren said...

ok you sold me on KG's i take back every zinger i ever made even tho i have never even been there.