Monday, June 29, 2009

Oysters and cottages

Last week, had a nice mid-week surprise when we hit KILGOURS for our usual after-work wind down.

Once again, they had a table set up on the patio with free beer and oysters. Nothing says summer like sucking back one of those homeboys.

I spent this weekend in Parry Sound at the Ginn cottage with 11 broads.
Saturday's weather was absolutely amazing, and we spent most of the day chillin getting sunburnt on the dock. My poor boobies.

I have to say that 81% of the time up north we played "BEYOND BALDERDASH" This game is killer. It's like the original Balderdash, except there's new categories- like names, dates and acronyms.

The acronym play-of-the-weekend goes to Tiffy who wrote down Bobcat Tiger Jag for the initials "B.T.J."

No one chose it as the real answer.

Got some good quality time in with all ladies involved including my pal Ilana. I'm super excited for the upcoming nuptials her and Cameron, who are walking down the isle on July 25th.

For this wedding I need gold jewelry and gold (flat) sandals. Any ideas?

Oh ,and the happy couple just recently got a dog named OTIS
Check this baby out.

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