Wednesday, July 28, 2010

to grandmother's house we go

Our weekend Abode (AKA Gramma'sHouse)-

Our (well... Tiffy's) bundle of joy-

the MIDDLE one...

Our furry friends-

The weekend was a huge success. The car rides there and back were... a little cramped BUT I only ALMOST got thrown up on (

Now for a walk down memory lane. Otherwise known as- the pictures donning the walls of gramma's place-

I was pretty cute- WHAT HAPPENED?? I mean I AM still cute... but, like when did my nose... change? It was oh-so-teeny tiny back then!

Lil' Kel looks spot on- the same. i am wishing I had a photograph of the bowl cut mom and dad gave her circa 1984 or so..... but since I don't here is a close replication-

And now in closing- it's JACK! The Jack Russell terrier I lived with (with NIKI) for the years before venturing to Toronto. I MISS THE LITTLE GUY.


Anonymous said...

love those old pics of you and Kelly!!

Alyson said...

I'm so glad my Grandma doesn't keep photos of us up as kids, I was an awkward child who grew into an awkward adult, haha.

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

I can't get over that pic of Kelly with the huge glasses and white locks. You guys were adorbs! And still are :-)