Thursday, November 27, 2008

Skinny jeans and babies

I am wearing my "skinny" jeans today!

I have not been in them for months and months.
I think after last winter I gained some weight They SHRUNK.

Thanks to C for his magic. To perform this magical feat at home- Basically you:
  1. Wash the jeans
  2. Stuff with Tupperware, pots and pans- anything you can find to Stretch them out
  3. Lay to dry
  4. Wait one day
  5. Giddy Up

VOILA! I can get them on! And my arse looks as tight as Joan Collins' 75 year old face!

On another note- Recall the wedding C and I attended in the Dominican Republic in March? Well the loverly couple happened to CONCEIVE A CHILD during our time there- and my pal Sarah just had a GORGEOUS little baby girl!



Jennifer said...

Heck, I've already gained back 5 pounds from eating too much brie >_>
Good idea with the jeans...I might have to use it soon! haha

Raymi Lauren said...

great tip!!!!!!!!