Thursday, April 17, 2008

Shotgun NOT SICK

So as if I'm feeling like I may be coming down with something AGAIN. Like seriously, I JUST finished my G.D antibiotics.... Everyone in this damn office is coughing and shit and HOLY CRAP if I get ill again... I will lose it.

It's like 20 degrees outside, and I'm stuck in this office building.
Oh well, Suppose it's better than bein:
Stuck in a basement, sittin on a trucycle
Girl getting on my nerves
Goin' outta my mind, I thought she was fine
Don't know if her body is hers.

Cuz that's gotta suck.

C and I enjoyed a bit of patio time last night at Kilgours.
Today's even warmer, and I really really hope it continues all weekend long!

We're Harvey Sitting!

The sis, C, Harvey and Sis' dog- Lennie are going to Rock and Fucking Roll this weekend.

I hope the dogs get along ok.

I hope the frisbee doesnt get too slimey.

I hope to one day meet a cartoon snake that uses a ton of ssssssssssssss wordssssssssssss.

1 comment:

Krissyface said...

that dog is the sweetest looking thing I've seen in some time.