Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Weekdays at 5pm

-not much on teevee today when i arrived home from work early.
That show really blows.

On a more positive note,
No Country for Old Men was great.
Verrrrrrrrry creepy. Partly to do with the fact that I am a sick-baby, but holy crap was I ever chilled?!

At one point in our evening, we ALL OF A SUDDEN hear this noise coming from our bathroom, and -I SHIT YOU NOT- the water in there just COMES ON full blast. Out of nowhere!!!! (Well, not exactly nowhere, cuz Corey was in there a minute or so before, but holy DELAY..... I was scared.)

I was so scared that when I had to venture to pee myself (from one too many Vernor's Gingerales) I had to RUN to the washroom, check behind the bath curtain before piddling, and then scurrying back to the couch to Corey.

I mean look at this guy!



Highwaisted said...

you have to watch the orphange. it is a foreign film but it the scariest movie i have ever seen in my life. RENT IT RENT IT.

Krissyface said...

was it really scary? I am dying to see it.

krista zee said...

creepy goodness....

Krista said...

He is so SCARY!

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

Oh god, these posts are causing me to laugh inappropriately in an unusually quiet and stereotypically uptight office.
