My head is fuzzy and we hafta go out today and get EVERYTHING we need for our trip.
I need a wheely suitcase.
I shouldn't have had that last triple Jamisons.
On an up-note, I work Monday and then we leave LATE LATE that night.
I can't wait to get to the airport and see my Marmie and sit with my head on her shoulder and talk about all the cool things we are going to do in the Domincan. Hopefully contracting Malaria isn't one of them.
I'm thinking more like watching mom funnel beers in the pool, as I have seen photographic evidence of when she was vacationing in jamaica last year.
And my sister, too. I love hanging with her and her hubs. He'll surely be the hero and find us Roobies once we land. And Slicker, the Toronto cop will be a part of our party, in case he gets caught! (yah right).
But seriously I am excited. Too bad my head feels like it is going to explode. I have a pretty bad cold, but I sound like Demi Moore... or a life long smoker.
We ordered Canauian for the first time last night. It's the local chinese resto with a sign that's supposed to say "Chinese-Canadian" food, but unfortunately it reads Chinese-CanaUian".
D...U... same dif.
Anyways I was really impressed.
Their hot and Sour soup is VEGETARIAN and really BOSS. (I thank my father, the comedian for that word) And the nooldles...oh the noodles.
Thank Dog for leftovers.